Sunday 21 January 2018

2017 ~ Occasions worth remembering Part 1

Listening to what others say and write about 2017, it seems there were many that had trials to ware them down.  It was a year of loss and disappointment for us.  And yet there were still many occasions to celebrate. I reached the big 6 and celebrated with family at one of my favourite places in the Cotswolds: a Lavender farm.  June is my favourite time to visit as not only are the lavender beginning to look and smell  spectacular, the wild flower meadows are also in full bloom encouraging the bees and butterflies to visit.

It was a wonderful day having the family altogether and the best gift for me. 
What a blessing to have your children close at hand, I thank God for them daily.


I am in a new phase of life now with adult children no longer needing to be home but choosing to be. Our family is growing too with a new daughter joining us; a wonderful sight to behold as your child finds their soulmate.  There are new paths ahead for my children, mountains to conquer, lessons to be learned. I won't walk alongside them for many but I have developed a culture in my life to pray and trust God for them. He has plans to prosper our children even without our influence.

One of my favourite books to read when the children were young was Sally Clarkson's "Seasons of a Mother's Heart".  The biblical principles for mothers encouraged in her book still apply for the season in this mother's heart right now.  As Sally writes, a mother's life certainly is a whirlwind of seasons, changing from one day and year to the next. I have endeavoured to prepare my heart to adjust to the present season and trusting God to enable me to weather the changes with grace. I wonder which season your mother's heart is in right now, whichever it is trust God to see you through


  1. What beautiful lavender and what a beautiful family -- all of you together! We went from Empty Nest to a nest of grandchildren which is fun. We still offer up prayers for the many challenges our adult children have before them. I liked the Sally Clarkson book too. All the best for 2018!

  2. Dear Ann,
    I'm hoping you might get an email notification that you have a comment posted on your old blog. It's me, Jody! Popping in to say Hello and Happy Birthday to you! I thought I had your email address, but I think it was in another computer. I want you to know that I'm thinking of you and saying a prayer to our Lord for you and your family today. I hope all is well with you in the beautiful England. We are all well here -- working through a drought presently, but God knows our need. And we trust Him. I hope your day is special and you know how much you are loved. God bless you. Love.....Jody


Note to self.......

Focusing on Christ puts everything into perspective